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The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3) by Stephen Palmer

The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3)
The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3)

It is 1911.

Returning to Britain from Africa, Erasmus and Roka find themselves thrown into a perilous sequence of chase, capture and escape. Yet they must return to Sheffield as fast as they can, and in secret, there to prepare for an inevitable confrontation inside Sir Tantalus Blackmore's Factory.

But it is not only Sir Tantalus whom they must face. As the British Army, automaton horrors, and a band of desperate Marxist engineers converge around the Factory, Erasmus and Roka must decide who to trust and who to work with...

Can they overcome the fiendishly complex defences of the Factory? Will the diabolical agents of the Clockwork Garden stop them, or will Sir Tantalus himself step in? Who, in the end, will reach the heart of the Factory to learn its terrible secrets?

The final part of a breathtaking adventure through an alternative Edwardian Britain and beyond, where clockwork automata and their makers threaten to change the world forever.

2nd edition, 16 Dec 2019

Cover by Tom Brown

Published: 06 Dec 2016

Stephen Palmer

Stephen Palmer is the author of fifteen novels: Memory Seed (Orbit 1996; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Glass (Orbit 1997; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Flowercrash (Wildside 2002; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Muezzinland (Wildside 2003; Infinity Plus ebooks 2011), Hallucinating (Wildside 2004; Infinity Plus ebooks 2011), The Rat & The Serpent (as Bryn Llewellyn, Prime Books 2005; Infinity Plus ebooks 2012) and Urbis Morpheos (PS Publishing 2010). His eighth novel, the surreal and fast-paced Hairy London, was published by Infinity Plus Books as a paperback and ebook in 2014, while the ninth, Beautiful Intelligence, was published in 2015, as was the subsequent short novel No Grave for a Fox. In 2016 Infinity Plus Books published his Edwardian steampunk trilogy, Factory Girl. His most recent novel, published in 2019, is The Conscientious Objector. His short stories have been published by Spectrum, Wildside, NewCon, Unspoken Water, Mutation Press, Solaris, Theakers, Eibonvale, Dog Horn, Manchester Speculative Fiction, Woodbridge Press and elsewhere. He lives and works in Shropshire, UK.

more infinity plus books by Stephen Palmer:

The Conscientious Objector The Autist Tommy Catkins The Girl with One Friend (The Factory Girl Trilogy #2) The Girl with Two Souls (The Factory Girl Trilogy #1) No Grave For A Fox Muezzinland: the author Beautiful Intelligence Hairy London Flowercrash Glass Memory Seed: 25th Anniversary Edition infinity plus: quintet The Rat and the Serpent Hallucinating

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories The Alchemy of Happiness The Time-Lapsed Man Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories The Autist The Euonymist The Emoticon Generation Rites of Passage Smoke Paper Mirrors: a short saga for our times