infinity plus

Monique Orphan (Conjuror Girl, Book One) by Stephen Palmer

Monique Orphan (Conjuror Girl, Book One)
Monique Orphan (Conjuror Girl, Book One)

In an alternate 1899...

Monique, resident for as long as she can remember at Shrobbesbury Orphanage, has a strange talent, which she neither understands nor can control. This talent, however, is only supposed to be possessed by men.

Should she conceal her abilities in order to survive, or should she be true to herself? If she hides her gift she will languish, yet if she reveals her true self she will be hunted down and experimented upon by men whose talents outshine her own...

A most peculiar adventure through a fantastical alternative fin de siècle Britain where the darkest creations are those that come from within.

'His work is unique, original, sometimes challenging, always fresh...' Amazing Stories

Cover by Tom Brown

Published: 11 Nov 2021

Stephen Palmer

Stephen Palmer is the author of fifteen novels: Memory Seed (Orbit 1996; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Glass (Orbit 1997; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Flowercrash (Wildside 2002; Infinity Plus ebooks 2013), Muezzinland (Wildside 2003; Infinity Plus ebooks 2011), Hallucinating (Wildside 2004; Infinity Plus ebooks 2011), The Rat & The Serpent (as Bryn Llewellyn, Prime Books 2005; Infinity Plus ebooks 2012) and Urbis Morpheos (PS Publishing 2010). His eighth novel, the surreal and fast-paced Hairy London, was published by Infinity Plus Books as a paperback and ebook in 2014, while the ninth, Beautiful Intelligence, was published in 2015, as was the subsequent short novel No Grave for a Fox. In 2016 Infinity Plus Books published his Edwardian steampunk trilogy, Factory Girl. His most recent novel, published in 2019, is The Conscientious Objector. His short stories have been published by Spectrum, Wildside, NewCon, Unspoken Water, Mutation Press, Solaris, Theakers, Eibonvale, Dog Horn, Manchester Speculative Fiction, Woodbridge Press and elsewhere. He lives and works in Shropshire, UK.

more infinity plus books by Stephen Palmer:

The Conscientious Objector The Autist Tommy Catkins The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3) The Girl with One Friend (The Factory Girl Trilogy #2) The Girl with Two Souls (The Factory Girl Trilogy #1) No Grave For A Fox Muezzinland: the author Beautiful Intelligence Hairy London Flowercrash Glass Memory Seed: 25th Anniversary Edition infinity plus: quintet The Rat and the Serpent Hallucinating

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Accord Microcosms: Forty-Two stories Warm Words & Otherwise: A Blizzard of Book Reviews Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie? Spotted Lily The Love Machine & other contraptions infinities All the Little Gods We Are infinity plus: quintet Smoke Paper Mirrors: a short saga for our times