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A Restless Wind by Shahrukh Husain

A Restless Wind
A Restless Wind
Zara Hamilton leads an apparently charmed life as a human rights lawyer in London – but she is haunted by questions about her past. Why did her mother disappear? What made her college sweetheart, the Maharaja of Trivikrampur, abandon her? Why did her husband renege on a plan to return to her native India? And why has she avoided visiting her much-loved family home in Qila, Trivikrampur?

After ten years as a Muslim in Britain, bereft of a homeland, Zara finally seeks the answers. When she returns to Qila, her world is shatteringly different, her aristocratic family mired in complications and far-right politics on the rise.

Amid the unrest of a changing nation, Zara seeks the key to her mother's secret as contemporary resentments clash with a harmonious past.

Cover by byheaven

Published: 29 Sep 2015

"A Restless Wind piques the reader's interest from the very beginning with fine details and a strong and engaging protagonist." The Deccan Herald

"Husain deftly handles a feast of characters and twisting plots. This is a cleverly written, challenging novel which asks the question what does it mean to be happy and fulfilled? ... A rare glimpse of what life may or may not be like for modern Indian royalty. A fascinating read." The Asian Writer

"A fascinating emotional narrative of an expatriate, A Restless Wind intertwines the old with the new in modern India." Muneeza Shamsie, Newsline (Pakistan)

"When India Exotic meets India Embattled a great new transcontinental heroine is born. Husain has put the characters together with great care. But it is Zara who is the novel's anchor and her confusion over her identity propels the plot." Kaveree Bamzai, India Today

"One intriguing trait of Husain's narration is its delicately filigreed details. Her descriptions are graphic, colourful and semiotically nuanced. The semiotized narrative brings home to the reader the contrasted cultural set-ups, or, in phenomenological terms, the conflicting 'lifeworlds' that the different characters in the novel inhabit." Arnab Bhattacharya, The Telegraph, India

Shahrukh Husain

Shahrukh Husain writes fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. She has written four themed retellings of folklore and myth for Virago and worked on scripts commissioned by Merchant-Ivory and Buena Vista among others. Currently, she is developing TV projects for SKY, KUDOS and BENDIT FILMS while working on her second novel.

She is a practising analytical psychotherapist and has worked extensively with asylum-seekers and PTSD survivors.

She was born in Karachi, Pakistan and divides her time between northwest London and East Sussex.

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