infinity plus

Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie? by John Grant

Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie?
Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie?

When he arrives in Edinburgh, he sees his future as an infinitely bleak expanse. But then he meets Kristie ... Award-winning author John Grant has created not just a tender, erotic tale about the conquest of grief and a fantasy of the highest order, but also a marvelously evocative Edinburgh story. Contains adult content.

Published: 15 Oct 2011

(infinity plus singles, number 2)

John Grant

John Grant was the author of more than seventy books, including the critically acclaimed Discarded Science, Corrupted Science, and Bogus Science. In addition to his popular science writing, Grant was a prolific science fiction and fantasy writer. He won two Hugo Awards, the World Fantasy Award, the Locus Award, and a number of other international literary awards. He coedited with John Clute The Encyclopedia of Fantasy and wrote all three editions of The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters; both encyclopedias are standard reference works in their field. Under his real name, Paul Barnett, he wrote several books and ran the world-famous fantasy-art-book imprint Paper Tiger, for this latter work winning a Chesley Award and a nomination for the World Fantasy Award.

more infinity plus books by John Grant:

All the Little Gods We Are The Life Business Warm Words & Otherwise: A Blizzard of Book Reviews infinities Qinmeartha and the Girl-Child LoChi Take No Prisoners

the infinity plus shuffle:

Lord of Stone One of Us Embrace: tales from the dark side All the Little Gods We Are The Sculptor Memory Seed: 25th Anniversary Edition Falling Over Picking Blueberries The Fabulous Beast The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories