infinity plus

One of Us by Iain Rowan

One of Us
One of Us

Shortlisted for the Crime Writers' Association's Debut Dagger award.

Anna is one of the invisible people. She fled her own country when the police murdered her brother and her father, and now she serves your food, cleans your table, changes your bed, and keeps the secrets of her past well hidden.

When she used her medical school experience to treat a man with a gunshot wound, Anna thought it would be a way to a better life. Instead, it leads to a world of people trafficking, prostitution, murder and the biggest decision of Anna's life: how much is she prepared to give up to be one of us?

Shortlisted for the UK Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger award, One of Us is a novel by award-winning writer Iain Rowan.

Published: 15 Mar 2012

Praise for Iain Rowan's Nowhere To Go:

"Fine examples of modern crime stories, gripping and perceptive, probing the dark secrets of the human soul, just like an old Alfred Hitchcock movie... Crime enthusiasts must not miss the book: this is noir at its very best."
SF Site featured review

"During the five years that I published Hardluck Stories, One Step Closer and Moth were two of my favorite stories. I loved the nuances and true heartfelt emotion that Iain filled his stories with, and Iain quickly became a must read author for me–everything I read of Iain's had this tragic, and sometimes, horrific beauty filling it, and was guaranteed to be something special."
– Dave Zeltserman, author of Outsourced, and Washington Post best books of year Small Crimes and Pariah

"A short story writer of the highest calibre."
– Allan Guthrie, author of Top Ten Kindle Bestseller Bye Bye Baby, winner of Theakston's Crime Novel of the Year

"Iain Rowan's stories never fail to surprise and delight, and just when you think you know what will happen next, you realize how much you've been caught unaware."
– Sarah Weinman, writer, critic, reviewer, columnist for the Los Angeles Times and News Editor for Publishers Marketplace

"Iain Rowan is both a meticulous and a passionate writer, and these stories showcase his ample talent wonderfully well. You owe it to yourself to discover Rowan's fiction if you haven't already had the pleasure."
– Jeff Vandermeer, author of Finch, Shriek: An Afterword, City of Saints and Madmen; two-time winner of the World Fantasy Award

"Every story in this collection is a gem... classy and clever Brit Grit at its best."
– Paul D Brazill at Death By Killing

Iain Rowan

I've written both novels and short stories, mostly crime fiction.

ONE OF US is my debut crime novel. It started as a short story published in Hitchcock's Magazine, became a novel, and ended up being shortlisted for the UK Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger award for best unpublished novel.

I've also had over thirty short stories published. Some of those stories have been reprinted in Year's Best anthologies, won a Derringer Award, been voted into readers' top ten of the year, or been in anthologies nominated for awards.

NOWHERE TO GO is a collection of eleven of my previously published crime stories, many of which appeared first in print in magazines like Hitchcock's and Ellery Queen's.

ICE AGE is a collection of eight stories of the strange and the chilling that have been published in various places over the last few years.

And last, but not least, SEA CHANGE is something different again: a young adult novel like those I loved as a child by writers like Alan Garner and Susan Cooper, about haunted, folklore-ridden England.

more infinity plus books by Iain Rowan:

infinities One Step Closer Nowhere To Go

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Ragthorn Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie? infinities The Time-Lapsed Man Glass Riding the Serpent's Back All the Little Gods We Are Falling Over Spotted Lily