infinity plus

The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit by Garry Kilworth

The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit
The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit

A science fiction novel in three parts.

In which unstoppable time meets immoveable space...

James Ovit is a naive and slightly-lost maverick son of an elderly serial monogamist mother, whose mundane life is suddenly kick-started into headlong travel through time and space by a group of ruthless and callous scientists.

His journeys first take him spuriously into the near past and thence into the far future where, expecting to enhance his career, instead he finds other-worldly love. Finally, after tragedy causes him to cast off his loyalty to his superiors, he rejects the diplomatic corps for work as an assassin and is sent into the past to eliminate an illegal time traveller and a monster. However, things never do work out the way James believes they will and, when he finds himself researching the strangest biography of all time, he knows the authorities who gave him another chance will once again shake their heads in disbelief at his ability to ignore their orders.

"A subtle, poetic novel about the power of place - in this case the South Arabian Deserts - and the lure of myth. It haunted me long after it ended." (City Limits on Spiral Winds)

"Full of hope, irony and despair and as moving in its understated way as Riddley Walker, the last post-apocalypse novel worth paying hard cash for." (Time Out on Abandonati)

"This book is wonderful, representing as it does, good fun without complications, and joy without debt." (David Mathew, Interzone, on Shadow-Hawk)

"Kilworth's enthralling writing transforms myths into reality." (Sharon Gosling, SFX, on The Princely Flower)

"This is a great, great, great book." (Roger Swift, Black Tears, on The Princely Flower)

Cover by piolka

Published: 02 Dec 2016

Garry Kilworth

Garry Kilworth is a particularly well-travelled and eclectic writer of the historical, the fantastic and much more. He has been described by New Scientist as "arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre". Recent books include Dragoons, a historical novel set during the Anglo-Zulu Wars, Attica, a dark quest set in an attic the size of a continent, and his memoirs, On my way to Samarkand. His novel Rogue Officer won the 2008 Charles Whiting Award for Literature. The Ragthorn, a novella written with Robert Holdstock, won the World Fantasy Award in 1992.

more infinity plus books by Garry Kilworth:

Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories Tales from the Fragrant Harbour Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth The Ragthorn The Iron Wire The Fabulous Beast On my way to Samarkand: memoirs of a travelling writer infinity plus: quintet Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop The Sculptor infinities

the infinity plus shuffle:

Fish Eats Lion Hairy London Old Soldiers Take No Prisoners Riding the Serpent's Back Parallax View Strange Mammals Spotted Lily The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3) Segue: into the strange