infinity plus

infinity plus: titles by author: Kaitlin Queen

One More Unfortunate One More Unfortunate by Kaitlin Queen
Relentlessly drawn back to a circle of old friends and enemies, Nick Redpath has all kinds of issues to deal with. But first he must prove that he didn't murder his old flame, Geraldine Wyse... (...more)
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infinities infinities by infinity plus and friends: Eric Brown, John Grant, Anna Tambour, Keith Brooke, Garry Kilworth, Iain Rowan, Kaitlin Queen, Linda Nagata, Scott Nicholson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Steven Savile
infinities is an anthology; it's a sampler; it's a catalogue for works published by infinity plus and our friends in the writing world. And it's free. Authors are: Eric Brown, John Grant, Anna Tambour, Keith Brooke, Garry Kilworth, Iain Rowan, Kaitlin Queen, Linda Nagata, Scott Nicholson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Steven Savile. (...more)
Ebook: Amazon US - Amazon UK - Kobo - Smashwords
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