infinity plus

The Euonymist by Neil Williamson

The Euonymist
The Euonymist

In a future where naming is vital and the labelling of a new species can have major ramifications, what hope is there for an ancient tongue that is effectively linguistically dead? "A rich and rewarding read from a stylish new Scottish talent" (World Fantasy Award-winner Jeff VanderMeer).

Published: 15 Dec 2011

(infinity plus singles, number 12)

Neil Williamson

Neil Williamson is a writer and musician from Glasgow, Scotland. His books and short fiction have been nominated for the World Fantasy Award, British Fantasy Award and British Science Fiction Award.

more infinity plus books by Neil Williamson:

infinity plus: quintet The Ephemera

the infinity plus shuffle:

Memory Seed: 25th Anniversary Edition Old Soldiers Embrace: tales from the dark side Ghostwriting The Emoticon Generation Nocturnes and Other Nocturnes Salvage The Fabulous Beast Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories Rites of Passage