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The Fabulous Beast by Garry Kilworth

The Fabulous Beast
The Fabulous Beast

A set of beautifully crafted tales of the imagination by a writer who was smitten by the magic of the speculative short story at the age of twelve and has remained under its spell ever since.

These few stories cover three closely related sub-genres: science fiction, fantasy and horror. In the White Garden murders are taking place nightly, but who is leaving the deep foot-prints in the flower beds? Twelve men are locked in the jury room, but thirteen emerge after their deliberations are over. In a call centre serving several worlds, the staff are less than helpful when things go wrong with a body-change holiday.

Three of the stories form a set piece under the sub-sub-genre title of 'Anglo-Saxon Tales'. This trilogy takes the reader back to a time when strange gods ruled the lives of men and elves were invisible creatures who caused mayhem among mortals.

Garry Kilworth has created a set of stories that lift readers out of their ordinary lives and place them in situations of nightmare and wonder, or out among far distant suns. Come inside and meet vampires, dragons, ghosts, aliens, weremen, people who walk on water, clones, ghouls and marvellous wolves with the secret of life written beneath their eyelids.

one of our bestsellers
Published: 14 Jul 2013

"His forte has always been the short story. The Fabulous Beast, his eighth collection, gathers eighteen stories of horror and dark fantasy. They're never less than entertaining, and all share startling initial ideas – what if Jesus had been known only for his ability to walk on water? What might happen to a captive vampire if deprived of human blood? – allied to a graphic and often grotesque descriptive ability." The Guardian

"Kilworth's stories are delightfully nuanced and carefully wrought." Publishers Weekly

"A bony-handed clutch of short stories, addictive and hallucinatory." The Times

"Here is a writer determined and well equipped to contribute to the shudder-count." The Guardian

"Kilworth is a master of his trade." Punch

"Garry Kilworth is arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre." New Scientist

"Kilworth is one of the most significant writers in the English language." Fear

Garry Kilworth

Garry Kilworth is a particularly well-travelled and eclectic writer of the historical, the fantastic and much more. He has been described by New Scientist as "arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre". Recent books include Dragoons, a historical novel set during the Anglo-Zulu Wars, Attica, a dark quest set in an attic the size of a continent, and his memoirs, On my way to Samarkand. His novel Rogue Officer won the 2008 Charles Whiting Award for Literature. The Ragthorn, a novella written with Robert Holdstock, won the World Fantasy Award in 1992.

more infinity plus books by Garry Kilworth:

Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories Tales from the Fragrant Harbour Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit The Ragthorn The Iron Wire On my way to Samarkand: memoirs of a travelling writer infinity plus: quintet Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop The Sculptor infinities

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Death of Cassandra Quebec Red Dot Irreal Flowercrash Pilots of the Purple Twilight The Girl with One Friend (The Factory Girl Trilogy #2) Penumbra Head Shots The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth Tommy Catkins All the Little Gods We Are