//~Mission to locate Earth-temperate planet for colonisation: failed...
//~1000 years out from Earth base, damage to colony sleeper hangars 1, 3 and 4 sustained ... all lives lost ... hangars 2 and 5 still operational...
//~Mission parameters adjusted: Augmentation of colonists to commence...
//~Request all drones and ’bots to medical units to begin experimentation...
Cover by Dominic Harman
"British writing with a deft, understated touch: wonderful"
– New Scientist
"SF infused with a cosmopolitan and literary sensibility"
– Paul McAuley
"One of the very best of the new generation of British SF writers"
– Vector
"Eric Brown has an enviable talent for writing stories which are the essence of modern science fiction and yet show a passionate concern for the human predicament and human values"
– Bob Shaw