infinity plus

Picking Blueberries by Anna Tambour

Picking Blueberries
Picking Blueberries

A powerfully evocative portrait of an alternative community in the early 1970s, told with a child's-eye simplicity by a young resident. Short fiction from an author whose work has been described by World Fantasy Award-winner Jeff VanderMeer as "Rapacious, intelligent and witty".

Published: 11 Nov 2011

(infinity plus singles, number 10)

Anna Tambour

more infinity plus books by Anna Tambour:

Smoke Paper Mirrors: a short saga for our times Valley of the Sugars of Salt infinities Monterra Spotted Lily

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Bone Flute The Alchemy of Happiness Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales Little Sisters of the Apocalypse Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories No Grave For A Fox Genetopia The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories The Love Machine & other contraptions Blue Shifting